FreeBet+ Punter FAQ
More ways to win with the Virtual Football Leagues! Punters can now win FreeBet+ when they place bets on the BetKing Virtual Leagues (Kings Live League, Kings Liga, Kings Italiano). Every bet placed stands a chance to win a FreeBet+.
Qualification: How to qualify for a FreeBet+?
- Punter places a bet via the cashier on BetKing Virtuals.
- If a bet slip qualifies for a FreeBet+ voucher
- Cashier receives a pop up on the screen that the punter qualifies for a FreeBet+.
- Cashier prints the original bet slip and gives it to the punter. A FreeBet+ code will be displayed on the original bet slip.
- The cashier is required to give the original bet slip to the punter. The cashier can print a copy if required for the Shop. The copy will NOT include the coupon code.
- Punter receives the original bet slip and can redeem the FreeBet+ code on their next bet at any Agent Shop.
Redemption: How to redeem a freebet+?
- Punter shows the cashier their original bet slip with the FreeBet+ code.
- Cashier will enter code where the system will verify the validity of the FreeBet+.
- If VALID, Punter can place bets. If a punter wins on the FreeBet+, he/she will receive the winning and the stakes back
- If INVALID, Freebet+ code is rejected.
Punter FAQs
On which products do I have to place a bet to stand a chance to get a FreeBet+?
- BetKing Virtuals: Kings Live League, Kings Liga, Kings Italiano.
Is the FreeBet+ available in BetKing Shops and Online?
- No, it is only available in BetKing shops that operate BetKing Virtual products.
How much is the FreeBet+ stake value?
- The value of the freebet will be indicated on the bet slip. It is equal to the value of the stake on the bet that was eligible for the FreeBet+. For example, if you placed a bet of N200 and you were eligible for FreeBet+ code on the betslip, then the FreeBet+ value will be N200.
Where can I use the FreeBet+ code to redeem my FreeBet+?
- The FreeBet+ code can be used in any BetKing shop nationwide that operates BetKing Virtual products.
If I get a FreeBet+, how many times can redeem the FreeBet+ by using the code?
- A FreeBet+ code can only be redeemed once.
Do I need to use my FreeBet+ voucher on a single bet slip or am I able to place partial bets with the FreeBet+?
- You are required to use the FreeBet+ on a single bet slip and you will not be permitted to place partial bets with a FreeBet+ bet slip.
Can I use the FreeBet+ voucher at any time or any day?
- That depends on the betslip instructions. Some FreeBet+ are required to be used on a specified day while some FreeBet+ can be used on any day. Please look at the information provided on the bet slip.

If I win a bet placed using the FreeBet+ code, will the stake amount be deducted from my winnings?
- No, BetKing will provide you with the full winning amount including the stake amount.
Can sub-account players get the FreeBet+ also?
- No. Only available to offline punters, i.e., customers who place bets in BetKing shops via cashiers.